A Black Woman Healing ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ Glamazini

Roshini's Big Ole Anti Alopecia Experiment

I am actively attempting to combat my hairloss and recording the experiment here.

Hair loss on the right side of my head; Traction Alopecia


  • Tight braids
  • Ignorance
  • Chemical relaxers

THE EXPERIMENT (solutions??)

No or Loosened Head Wraps
I’ve decided to let my scalp breathe…what a novel concept. To do this, I’m not going to cover up my hairline as much as I used to. This means more afros and looser scarfs when tied.

No Chemical Relaxers
I made a personal decision to never put another relaxer in my hair again. I can’t say it is the decision everyone should make, but for me, it makes sense because I’d rather have a full head of natural hair than be balding with little straight hairs holding on for dear life…which is where I was heading. I can’t say that I will never blow-dry my hair straight or even press it; but I can say that that would not be a common occurance…and definitely won’t be happening anytime in the near future.

No Tight Braids
Boy this is a tough one ’cause I love me some braids with hair added, but the last set I had almost balded me so I’ve decided not to get them for a while. 

  • I’ve also decided not to ever wear human hair braids again…or really small braids. I’ve said that before, but this time I have to mean it if I want to keep my hair. 
  • I’ve also vowed that in the future if I choose to get braids with additions and the braider seems to be doing them too tight to tell her to stop right there and then, no excuses. 
  • Lastly, I’ve vowed that when I get some length I will opt for braids without extentions before I get braids with extentions.

Boy, this one will be the hardest, ’cause braids were a staple.

Scalp Massages
It was recommended to me on nappturality.com that I should start doing scalp massages 

  • to promote activity in the follicles on my scalp. 
  • to increase blood flow to that area 
  • to release tension

I give myself a massage just in the affected area every night. I’m also going to make my boyfriend give me massages. Right now I use Nioxin Follicle Booster just in the affected area. (edited: I no longer use the Follicle booster)

~ edited: 11.14.2003 ~
I’ve added Rosemary/Sage/Peppermint spritz to my scalp massages.

Fruits and Vegatables
What you put in is what you get out…..makes sense to me. Soooooo, I’m putting in more raw fruits and veggies (in my mouth) and hoping to get better stuff coming out of my head (and my body over all). I’ve started with apples (Golden Delicious…I love those things!). This is really hard for me to do because I have such a messed us schedule that buying fruit usually means rotting fruit because I haven’t been at home to eat it. I’m forcing myself to do this because when it boils down to it my health is more important than my ‘appointments’. It’s a mind switch I’m working on.

~ edited: 11.14.2003 ~
I’ve changed soo much since I started this. I am what I jokingly call a ‘locational vegetarian ‘. This means that I don’t eat red or white meat unless I’m in the Virgin Islands . I do eat fish, but not often. It may not make sense to you (and I by no means identify myself as a vegetarian to anyone), but it’s made a BIG difference to me. My digestive problems have subsided, my skin has cleared up, I’ve lost weight and all sorts of good stuff. I’m noticing a good natural sheen on my hair also…now I’m waiting for growth to materialize.

~edited: 5.14.2009 ~ I’m no longer a “locational vegetarial (LOL) but I plan on going back to this in the coming months!!

This is basically the same rationale as the fruits and veggies. I’ve always been a big water drinker so why stop now? I’ve also been ‘watering’ my hair as much as possible. I mist it and wet it often. It’s not complaining. Like my co-worker said to me today “It’s not dry, it’s not wet, it’s just right”. Hopefully this will keep the hair that is growing in that area (and on my entire head) healthy so I don’t start loosing it from breakage.

GNC’s Ultra Nourishair to be more specific. It’s been causing a lot of contraversy over on nappturality.com…although can’t figure out why. I guess some people think that taking vitamins specifically for hair growth is a tad over the edge, but I figure it’s all good if that’s what you choose. I’m not so much concerned about the length as much as the filling in of my alopecia spot. I take 2 of these pills every morning. Besides, I needed a good multivitamin without iron in it (I’m allergic) and this fits the bill. (edited: I am no longer taking the Ultra Nourishair.)

~ edited 11.14.03~
I just started taking MยทSยทM for growth.

~ edited 5.14.09~
I rarely take the MยทSยทM (whenI remember to basically) but do take a daily multivitamin sans iron, Vitamin C and B12

Conditioning Treatments
One of the members of nappturality.com suggested that I do conditioning treatments with Wella Kolestral Concentrate on the affected spot every 2 to 3 days. To do this I dampen the affected area and add a grape-sized glop by massaging it into the hair. I then wrap my hair with a damp towel heated up in the microwave for atleast 10 minutes. When finished I remove the towel and rinse. I’ve also been doing hot oil treatments with jojoba which make my hair feel like heaven. I do it exactly the same as above except I do the entire head…and I usually will clean my hair first, not just dampen it..

I believe in the power of prayer. I don’t think it’s silly of me to be asking God to help my hair to grow back in. He loves me, he is concerned about me and I’m certain that he will put the hair he gave me back on my head. Plain. Simple. Praise Him.


I just located this picture of the side of my head back in 1999. See, I had hair there and in the space of 2.5 years I obliterated it.

November 23, 2002:

December 10, 2002:

January 17, 2003:

February 26, 2003:

September 17, 2003:

As you can see, I have gained length but no mass . I baby this part of my hair and this is the longest it’s ever been. I usually forget this part of my hair. I don’t like to think about it. Note, the headband is not tight, I wet the brush and brush the edges.

May 8, 2004:

May 9, 2009:
Still thinner than the other side but it’s grown in significantly. I had temple breakage from stress that you can see really well in the photo though.