A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Questioning your faith
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Spirit

Questioning Your Faith & New Tag Line! • @glamazini

Questioning your faith
Hey everyone! Hope all is well.

I received an email from a reader who is questioning her faith and relationship with God. I decided to make a video sharing her email (with her permission) as well as inviting every woman reading this post to join my new Facebook group: 🌱 CELEBRATE NEW GROWTH 🌱 where I’ve attempted to answer her question. The number 1 topic that you all asked me to cover in my audience survey is inspiration and faith (yeah not hair, I was shocked too girl lol), and this new Facebook Group is an answer to that request.

Here is what she asked:

Hi Glamazini

Recently, I’ve started to question the strength of my faith because I’m not able to reconcile a mighty good God with the harsh realities of this life. You have shown your faith, strength and resilience and I trust you to answer these questions for me.

1) People often tell those suffering that God’s purpose is higher than our pain. I have a son, and I respond to his needs before he ever even asks me. I would never make him suffer for my glory. God also knows our needs, so why do we have to go before Him in prayer? He’s our father – can’t He just take care of us as we take care of our children? He allows us to “go through” but I would never stand by and watch my child suffer so that he could see just how much he needs me.

2) I’ve also heard all my life that “favor isn’t fair” or “thank God that wasn’t my lot.” But how can we be happy with our blessings when so many people are suffering? Believers and non believers alike. That’s like a father favoring one child over the other, or so it seems. Why is the playing field so uneven on this journey?

Check out my video introducing my new tagline and the Facebook Group 🌱 CELEBRATE NEW GROWTH 🌱

Request to join the group here 🌱 CELEBRATE NEW GROWTH 🌱

If you need to share the link use http://bit.ly/CelebrateNewGrowth.  Let’s live a bigger life in 2017!

Oh and subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re at it. It really cheers me one when my numbers grow plus great things coming on there in the new year! 

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎

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