A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
how to beat the winter blues
Heal Your Body

How I Beat The Winter Blues #LifeSupplemented

I’m beyond thrilled to partner with the Council for Responsible Nutrition on this sponsored post detailing how I use supplements to beat my winter mood slump! As usual, the opinions expressed are my own.

how to beat the winter blues

If I’m being honest winter is my least favorite season.

The most obvious reason is I was born and raised in the Virgin Islands and my body is not built to thrive in the Missouri winter temperatures (or maybe that’s my mind but you get the picture). The second reason is the days are shorter.  Coupled with the time off (and the fact I naturally tend sleep in), shorter days means less sunlight and that is no bueno for me (since I run on the sun … I mean my first name means sunshine people).  

Diagnosed almost 20 years ago, I have learned to successfully manage my depression on a daily basis.  I’m blessed with solid family relationships so I don’t consider that a factor during the holidays although I know it is for many people.  Even if it were, I prefer to play a proactive role in my own wellness and take responsibility for my lifestyle choices so I use tools that support me in doing so as much as possible.  

One of the tools I use to manage my mood is taking dietary supplements.

This applies all year round, but I find that being consistent during the colder darker months makes a difference when combatting the inevitable mood slump.  According to a survey from the Council for Responsible Nutrition, more than 170 million Americans take dietary supplements each year so I know I’m not alone. Even if you eat by the book, many Americans can’t get enough essential nutrients from their diets alone (especially with the depletion of nutrients in our soil) so I wholeheartedly believe in taking supplements to help fill in any nutritional gaps and promote my overall health and wellness.

Here are 4 of my favorite supplements to beat the winter blues

Disclaimer: Speak with your doctor or health care practitioner about which dietary supplements are right for you.

vitamin d omega 3 fatty acid supplement

1. Vitamin D

We naturally produce vitamin D by exposing our bare skin to the ultraviolet B rays of the sun. Research has shown that increasing vitamin D may be linked to mood regulation, and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety. The shorter dimmer days of winter and the fact that we spend less time outside means most of us experience a decrease our vitamin D at this time of year and that could be contributing to our low mood.  Currently, I’m using the Garden of Life mykind Chewable Vitamin D3 (Organic, Dairy, and Gluten Free) or the Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 Liquid (drops). 

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA are building blocks of our brain.  Some research has shown that increasing your omega-3s may reduce depressive symptoms.  I prefer a fish oil supplement that contains vitamin D, DHA, and EPA. My absolute favorite is Carsons Super D Omega-3 because the taste is nothing like the fish oil my mom used to give me when I was a kid.  Here’s a post I wrote detailing how I use Omega-3s to stabilize my mood.

vitamin b complex chlorophyll iron

3. B-Complex

B-Complex is another supplement that helps support chemical imbalances in the brain and thereby can enhance your mood.  Supplementation with vitamins like B6, B3, and B12 help increase serotonin a neurotransmitter that contributes to well-being and happiness and helps maintain mood.  Taking a B-Complex vitamin also helps support energy level that tend to drop during the winter months.  My favorite is the Ortho Molecular – Ortho B-Complex.

4. Iron

Last but certainly not least is iron.  Anemia, a condition that occurs when your red blood cells and hemoglobin are low, is the most common blood condition in the United States.  It can cause fatigue and general malaise (translation, you feel horrible).  I am anemic and allergic to many iron supplements on the market.  My go-tos are World Organic Liquid Chlorophyll because it’s affordable and it works (here is a post about how I use chlorophyll to alleviate my anemia), or the Garden of Life mykind Whole Food Iron Supplement.

The winter months can challenge anyone’s mood but with intentional choices you can avoid or diminish many of the blahs that we encounter.  I highly recommend including supplementation to support remaining upbeat, energized, and productive.

Be sure to check out the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the leading trade association for the dietary supplement and functional food industry.

How to you beat the winter blues?


Statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. #disclaimerlife

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎

One Comment

  • BigTickles

    Hey! A while ago you talked about using a blue light bulb for the blues. I can’t find that post anymore. Can you tell me which blue light it was? I think I may need one this winter; I feel it coming on. Thanks!

    BTW, I no longer have the free time I use to BUT I still follow you. (hint -I like your posts on Twitter) 😉

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