A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Body

Joint Juice Review

I seem to always forget to share my experience with hurting my legs and adrenal fatigue until way after the fact. I must do better.

This is a quick review of Joint Juice Cran Pomegranate Supplement Drink.  My primary care physician mentioned that I should try taking chondroitin and glucosamine because together they’ve been shown to help lubricate joints and potentially contribute to cartilage repair over time.  Soon after that conversation, I noticed a case of Joint Juice at Costco so I picked it up.  I don’t recall exactly, but I believe the case of thirty 8 oz. bottles was $16+.

Here’s what the product claims to do (source)

  • Daily glucosamine supplement shown effective in maintaining healthy joint cartilage
  • Chondroitin combined with glucosamine shown to improve joint function and mobility
  • Vitamin D essential for a number of cellular activities
  • Green tea extract powerful antioxidants that may help your cartilage stay healthy
  • Vitamin C essential for joint health; powerful antioxidant that is a key to healthy cartilage, tendons and ligaments

I drank 1 bottle chilled per day for 30 days.

It tastes like watered down cranberry juice.  No after taste at all.

Improved joint function and mobility + reduced pain, stiffness and/or tenderness in my knees.

A refreshing beverage.
I had no indication either from my doctor or from the Joint Juice website of how long I should give this product (or any such chondroitin and glucosamine supplement) before I feel a difference in my knees.  After 30 days I noticed absolutely no improvement in my pain, tenderness, flexibility, stiffness etc. None.  I guess I wanted this to do something magical but it did not.  I could give it a longer trial, but I’ll never know unless someone gives me a few cases of the stuff because I’ve moved on to trying other options (reviews coming soon).

No if you’re looking for a change in 1 month.  Maybe if you have time to drink it for an extended period of time and just see what happens.  I know if you’re in pain, often you can’t wait that long but it’s worth a try.

Anyhoo … I hope this helps someone.  As I mentioned, I’m currently on a 30 day trial of another product for joint health so stay tuned for that review soon.

Have you tried Joint Juice or any chondroitin and glucosamine supplement? If so, have you had results and how long have you been taking it? Do tell.

Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+

Disclosure: I purchased the case of Joint Juice from Costco with my own money.  For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.



Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • MELISASource

    Thank you for your honesty in this review! There are so many products on the market now that claim to help this and improve that. Some actually do what they say, but many do not. Like you said, the only way to really know for sure is to give it a try. I really hope that the extended trial of this product works out for you, and look forward to your next update!
    MELISASource recently posted..Totally Random: Hi, I’m New (and Other First Conference Jitters)My Profile

  • Angie R

    Great review! I’ve seen this or something similiar at the drugstore, I was kind of skeptical.

    I had ORIF on my fibula more than a year ago, so I deal with some inflammation and stiffness during my monthly cycle. Immediately after surgery, I began taking cetyl myristoleate and MSM to stave off arthritis. My ortho doc was impressed with the results, he didn’t see any early indications of arthritis on the followup x-rays and ultrasounds.

    Daily I take Flax, Evening Primrose Oil and MSM. During my cycle, I take Celedrin. When I don’t take these, I can tell.

    • glamazini

      I’ve taken Celedrin on and off for months now. Have you noticed any specific benefits it gives you when isolated from the other products? I was planning to finish up this bottle and not replenish. Do tell.

  • Angie R.

    The celedrin helps with movement, my ankle is less stiff. Nothing dramatic but noticeable. Take the recommeded dosage for two weeks and to see if it makes a difference for.

    My sister likes has tried both celedrin and a supplement with chondrotin, MSM and glusomine combined (not sure of the brand, I will update). She likes the combo pill better.

  • Sue

    Have you tried fish oil supplements. I’ve heard they help with arthritis pain. I know you don’t have that but it still involves joint lubrication so maybe they would help with your situation.

  • Daryl

    I used joint juice and felt an improvement in less than 2 weeks. I have carthlage damage and actually had a micro-fracture surgery to help with the damage. The micro-fracture surgery is when tiny holes are drilled in the knee cap with the hopes that the knee will form callous in those areas during healing. It didn’t work…I basically live with pain after outside activities because the carthlage is very low. Since I have taken joint juice, I don’t have the pain like I use too. I can really tell the difference. When walking up stairs, I do not feel the pain in each step. Believe me, I am always waiting for the pain. I am not saying that it makes me feel like I have new knees, but it has helped. I take it twice a day.

  • Raquel Alvarado

    Joint juice worked for me.. I have taken it on and off but it has actually worked. I have only bought two 6 packs and I was hesitant at first but right after a week of drinking it, the pain in my knee and ankle diminished. I am not 100% free of pain, because I am not sure exactly how long I should take it for. It has been about 2 months since I last used Joint Juice and the pain is slowly coming back. While reading that you used it for 30 days, I assume that’s how long it can be used for to live without pain for a good while.

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