A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Body

Let’s Get Physical (Therapy)

Last week I started my third round of physical therapy on my legs.  This time I am finding it hard to be motivated, but I’m told that is typical for those suffering with chronic pain. If you remember, I hurt my legs pretty badly in March of 2010 and have been in some level of pain ever since. The story is long and unfinished but if you’d like to catch up on the general haps you can watch this video and read this post.  My first round of physical therapy lasted for 4 months and focused on teaching me how to walk properly again. My 2nd round earlier this year was about strengthening my legs and increasing the flexibility of my left ankle that was not working well at all.  This current round is about strengthening my left quad so my knee cap tracks properly.

During my last visit to the doctor we reviewed my MRI results and I was diagnosed with a “degenerative meniscus” (worn down knee cap) on my left leg and significant atrophy of the muscles on my entire left side from the waist down. This is the first true diagnosis from a traditional doctor that I have had in 18 months, even after multiple tests, X-rays, MRIs and the like. It’s hard out here ya’ll. 

I will be going to therapy 2 times a week for 6 weeks. As always, I appreciate all your prayers in this matter. God is in control and I’ve settled into an understanding that I cannot rush His timing no matter what my desires are (dance, Zumba, 3 inch heels. run down a flight of stairs, walk barefoot comfortably etc.).  The largest thing I’ve learned is that life must continue during the pain. 

Have you ever had physical therapy? Are any of you dealing with chronic pain? 

Until next time Glam Fam I wish you

Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,   

@Glamazini | facebook.com/IamGlamazini | youtube.com/Glamazini | Google+

Disclosure: The left leg in the photo above was provided by me, my mother my father and their love *ew*. No Glamazini’s were hurt (too bad) in the creation of this post.  For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Uncommonchick

    LOL at the Disclosure statement…you are too silly!

    I’m so loving your lesson learned: continue life during the pain. But girl don’t fret, let’s just go out and buy you a new knee, heck even a whole new leg…all we need is a sponsor to pay for it 😉


  • sandy

    My prayers are with you. I had an incident recently which was the beginning of my venture into “chronic pain”. I, apparently, was wearing leggings to tight, or was it my spanx?, and I ended up with a painful condition called Meralgia Prosthetica. It is extremely painful and your nerves burn in the higher thigh area to the groin area. I understand that many pregnant women get this condition. I was in such pain and couldn’t even sleep in my bed.(had to sleep in a recliner for about 3 weeks) I was on Motrin 800mg and that didn’t even help. I refused to get on anything stronger. But to make a long story short I was referred to PT and was afraid to go because the PT I had once for a broken arm was just too much. I still haven’t gained 100% in that arm. I’m now saying all of this to leave you with this point. I wished I had gone to PT for my wrist until I was 100%. While you’re young it is best to get PT for 100% recovery because you never know, especially when you get older, if you will have another injury to your body and need PT once again. So I plan, after some of this pain goes away to get into PT. PT always seem a little scary at first and painful. But over time it gets better. The other concern is that you get a PT you can relate to because it is a very intimate experience.(much more than with your doctor) Unfortunately my PT was good but a little skittish with me. So that didn’t help. I’m wishing you the best.

  • Nikki

    OMG! Glad you’re getting PT for you leg Ini! I’m in school right now for my Masters in Occupational Therapy and we work VERY closely with PTs. Definitely make sure you strenthen those quads (and even your hams) so that you’re not overcompensating due to pain, which could cause more problems (I’m sure your PT already told you this though)

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  • glamazini

    @UC ————-

    Why’d I just read that disclosure and buss out hollering? I forgot I wrote that SMH *whew*. Yes, live continues THROUGH the pain. Wonder if that sponsor will want their logo tatted on my leg 😐

  • glamazini

    @Sandy ————

    My prayers are with you, thanks for sharing! I have never regretted a PT session, it’s just this time my heart wasn’t in it (but I still went eventually for the same reasons you details so well).

  • glamazini


    Thanks for sharing. I definitely have a slew of exercises from all the previous rounds and do them as best I can (not all of them, but the ones that helped the most). My PT now is awesome and helped me so much I came back to them (the 1st round was at a different facility). Thanks for the well wishes.

  • Lucy

    Hi Roshini!

    I can completely relate. I’ve been suffering with chronic pain from Sciatica for the past couple of years now. I’m JUST NOW getting a prescription for PT (don’t know why they never offered it before – I had to ask for it). I definitely hope you correct your leg 100%. It has been such a struggle (mental as well as physical) dealing with this chronic pain. I love to walk and I can no longer walk for more than 5 minutes without having to sit down due to pain and numbness going down my leg. This has created a vicious cycle of weight gain due to inactivity which further aggravates my sciatic condition. So I’ll be working EXTRA hard to lose weight, re-balance my body and correct my posture.I truly hope PT will work for me because if not they’re recommending epidurals and eventually surgery (I’m not even TRYING to consider those options at this point).

    Blessings and best of luck to you!

  • glamazini

    @Lucy ————–

    I TOTALLY understand your point about “vicious cycle of weight gain due to inactivity”. I haven’t worked out since I hurt myself. Before that I was active every day so it took some getting used to. Thank God my diet change means I haven’t gained a pound, but the fat has redistributed itself across my mid section (my “bike tire” is what I call it LOL) and that needs to change. I pray all goes well with you and your PT.

  • Johnny Shi

    Thank you for sharing your story. I have not been to psychical therapy but, a lot of my friends have gone to physical therapy only to be readmitted after injuring the same area again. It does no good to recover only to get injured again. There are lots of things that you can do to prevent future injuries and that is a part of physical therapy. Recover takes a lot of time. You have spent a lot of time in recovery. However it is worth it when you can prevent further injuries or reoccurring ones.

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