A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind

Depression Confession

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I wanted to do this video because I know it will help someone.

Earlier this week, I woke up and my mood was really low.  I could not find the light, could not find the hope, had no motivation to do anything, and generally felt sad. If you are unfamiliar with my posts about depression, you can catch up by clicking HERE and reading until your heart’s delight (be sure to come back though when you’re done lol). The short version is, I’ve dealt with and managed depression for 2 decades now.

I’m feeling 100% better since then and I wanted share this with my Glam Fam (that’s you).  I know this will be a revelatory and helpful video, so I wanted to confess that I still have those days.

A large portion of my depression is situational. I have a son with special needs, am first time mother, am a stay at home mother, and I am predisposed to depression, so of course there will be challenges. Life does not always hand you beautiful bouquets of flowers but thank God, I continue to survive and, at times, thrive.

So what did I do in the moment of despair?  I told a group of covenant friends and asked them to pray. These are people who had already offered to support me in these times. These are people that I trust. You don’t just tell all your business to everyone now. Most importantly, these are people who will actually pray.

I know some people put online content producers on pedestals and idolize us like we are perfect super humans, and that is not the case. I always try to keep it real here in Glamaziniland with the goal of making real beauty and self love attainable for all.

There is hope. The pit doesn’t always have to last. Your normal may be those ups and downs.

For information on how to find a therapist and other mental health resources check out the post below:


Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • BigTickles

    What you said actually confirmed what I learned in bible study on Thursday. The Pastor was saying that if you are going through, you need to tell those who will pray and want to see you healed. You can’t tell everybody, everything. Everyone needs prayer warriors; those who will go for broke on their knees to bombard heaven on your behalf. I am so glad you are feeling better.

    • glamazini

      You pastor is a wise person. 😛 … but seriously, I find that if you get your covenant circle together BEFORE they low point, then all you gotta do is send the “code black code black all hands on deck and clasped I’m sinking” text (or something like that LOL), and immediately you can feel the difference because the prayer warriors are bombarding the gates on your behalf when you can barely stand up. I thank God for a large circle of people who will pray for me.

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