A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Natalie

    I LOVE THIS VIDEO! And that is so true that people try to be sneaky with it. People don’t ask me “why” straight up, but snarkily (is that a word? LOL) hint around things… Off to practice my blank stare/eye roll/walk away… Thanks, Ini

  • Meika

    I really REALLY enjoyed this vid!
    anymore suggestions about how you can respond to people who question you like this?
    what if they try to get smart with you once you gve them the stare?

  • Nila

    if they get snarky smile and ask them “why do you ask?” and turn the question on them by continually asking them why? it might get them to examine themselves in the moment…kill em with kindness!

  • Rahshell

    GO GIRL!! I’ve been putting this into practice for the past 2 years. Being an army wife is hard enough without anyone, family included, questioning your decisions.

  • glamazIni

    I don’t respond after that, I literally give people a stare and silence and they get the picture (or think I’ve gone mad, either way I don’t have to answer them *shrug* ). Besides, you should’ve already done your pivet turn and walked away by then.

    Love that!

  • Me

    Aww! I love this video. Why? Not because it was an epiphany for me (I’ve believed that not having to explain yourself is the mark of a true adult–mostly because it goes hand in hand with why would you NEED to explain yourself if you are adult enough to take full ownership of the decisions that you make since only children live in fear of judgment/reprimand), but because this hit home with a very recent event, where I was ever so slyly being asked to explain my actions as it pertains to someone else’s maliciousness. I know good and well I did nothing wrong (knowingly)–more than that I made no regretful decisions, so why am I being questioned when I’m in fact the victim & not the villain? How does that even make sense? And it took some doing, but after a while it became evident that no amount of questioning was about to change the fact that I’m not about to let someone make me feel like I owe them some type of recourse for my choices. I only wish I had that blank stare in my pocket, though because my facial expressions are NEVER that cooperative. I could sit silent and every thought in my head would show through my face (curses!).

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