A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind




Putting it off until tomorrow.

I’ll get to it in a while.

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The dictionary defines procrastination as the act of putting something off until later. I define procrastination as the act of success stealing.

I’m a procrastinator.  Matter of fact, I’m a perfectiont who then procrastinates because she believes she won’t be able to do it perfectly “just yet”.  *sigh*  Lately I’ve realized that my consistent procrastination has caused me to  put off things to the point of them becoming giant mountains of un/partially done items that may have very well, if I’d done them at the time they could’ve been done, already propelled me into another place in my life.  Seriously, if you “just do it” it may take you 15 seconds, but when you allow things to pile up it becomes 3 hours or trying to figure out what you were doing in the first place and beating yourself up for letting it get this out of control. Not ok.

Next year on this date where will you be?  You won’t be any further along in your goals if you continue to procrastinate.

Ask me how I know.

I recently started a Actions and Feelings Journal per Barbara Sher’s book Wishcraft, and even after a few days I’m realizing that what I do affects how I feel and, ultimately, I have control over it all. By documenting my actions and how they made me feel, positive or negative, I’m learning a lot about my desire to be a productive individual. I’ve also learned that when I feel unproductive my emotions are the lowest. This was a huge revelation for me! If you’d asked me last month if “productivity” was of huge concern to me I would have replied “nope”, but it is!   The best part of the revelation is that I control whether I am productive in a given day or not, therefore I control whether I get to the end of that day and feel fulfilled.  Simple. #ahamoment
Why was I procrastinating?
There are so many reasons:  fear, perfectionism, lack of energydepression, and I’m sure much more … but today … and everyday from now on, I am choosing to intentionally not delay things that could propel me to the places that I am trying to go … and that feels great.

Are you a procrastinator? Is your procrastination stealing your success?


Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

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Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • BigTickles

    I am a professional procrastinator!

    Being real with myself, I do it because (1) fear of success and (2) expectation. If I know I have to do a big project and can finish it early, I wait until 11:59. For some reason, I feel that if I do it successfully and early, more will be expected from me the next time and I may not be able to live up to expectations. Sigh…. I also have a turtle slow thyroid that affects my hormones and a lot of other stuff. I am still trying to find the perfect medicine that does not want me to drive off a cliff from depression #real moment.
    I recognize that I am a broken vessel and God is working with me. I know that the things I can control, I should just do it because the rate I am going, it is affecting my health.

    • glamazini

      It’s funny you mentioned finishing early. I worked on a design project that was due yesterday by end of day. I was done by say 11AM but sat here for a while wondering if I should send it or not because I was done early. Strange feeling, but in the past I would have second guessed myself to death and sent it in the middle of the night or late just as a self-sabotage mess. Instead yesterday I sent it when I was done. Big progress for me trust me! *whew*. Talk about Jesus is working on me.

  • Cosmolude

    I seem to have developed the bad habit of procrastinating. I used to have a lot of motivation and got things done early. I hate waiting until the last minute because I feel rushed and I know something will probably go wrong. I’ve been disappointed with myself because I’ve gotten lazier and put things off when I know I should not have. I feel a lot better when I get things done earlier so I’m trying to go back to my old good habits. Sometimes that means completing little or not-as-important tasks a.s.a.p but it helps.

  • 4evame

    Thank you for this. this resonated with me deeply seeing that i am also a huge procrastinator due to my perfectionism. working thru it. two steps at a time.

  • Kenneth

    Really good article. I tend to be a perfectionist, which has definitely caused me to never complete some of the things that I’ve wanted to get done. I learned over time that it really about taking action. Just do something and make progress.

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