A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind

Wasted Day

June 13, 2023 Update: Uh ruh … I just love having this aging blog because it continues to be an example of my growth. I don’t recall penning the post below but 1) there is no such thing as a “wasted day” so yeah, we off that. Rest is necessary and purposeful, and clearly, my body needed rest. Then even more 2) I was TWENTY-SIX WEEKS PREGNANT when I typed this, AND I had known for SIX weeks by then about my son Zion’s medical diagnosis and not told any of my readers or video watchers so … uh … hey past Roshini, cut yourself some slack and give yourself some radical grace. Thank God for growth and maturity. Anyhoo, read it now knowing that when you know better, you do better.

I just got off the couch.

It’s 7:46PM Wednesday March 28th and I just got up off the couch. I woke up at maybe 11:30AM and all I’ve managed to do today is eat, weep and watch TV. 

I had such high hopes for today. Like most days I set out to conquer the world with a list a mile long of goals I want to accomplish in the next 24 hours. Some days I’m successful (like Tuesday ironically) and other days (like Wednesday) I am not.

I figure instead of hiding it from ya’ll (since that’s not my style of late) I’d just put the whole thing on blast because maybe this will help someone else to feel like they aren’t alone.

I totally wasted the day.

Now, in truth I did change the water filter on the refrigerator AND twisted half my hair (which I hate now and am not sure what to do with the rest HMPH).  I also had a great time talking to my hubby, made some sides to go with the left over spaghetti, rescheduled several meetings I had, and wrote & reviewed several blog posts.  Either way, I feel like the day just slipped through my fingers like sand and I didn’t get my actual list of going  to the stores, folding the clothes and taking over the world accomplished.

I also have to point out that I am now 26 weeks pregnant, and Wednesday was (and still is since I’m actually typing this on Wednesday) a hormonal murky stew of weepy hopelessness.  Real talk.

Hubby comforted me the best he could, brought me tissue as I wept like a child, kissed me on the cheek, rubbed my feet and told me to stop being so hard on myself.  Even with all his wonderfulness I still feel heavy because I totally got nothing done that I wanted to get done. I also hate that this happens more often than I’d care to admit and I feel like it should not.  My therapist already told me I was a perfectionist so you don’t have to.  I shouldn’t, but I covet those driven morning people who seem to hop out of bed, skip to the bathroom at 5:30AM whistling a happy tune and have a purpose and a plan.  Is there a pill I can take for that called “Energy, Drive & Purpose”?

Maybe one day.

Anyhoo … that’s my raw uncut post for the day.  Talk about “free therapy” for ya?!  HA!

Hope your Thursday is productive and peaceful.

Until next time Glam Fam I wish you
Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Nappyness,

Disclosure:  For more information about the Glamazini.com disclosure policy, click here.

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • Alanna

    Thanks for sharing! That’s how most of my days go (without the sleep and just add various settings) and I am not pregnant :-/ It is helpful to know that other folks struggle too.

  • Samehere

    Hey Glamazini,

    I am not pregnant but I have been having these crying spells. My mom said it happens to some people during the time change (daylight savings) and the seasonal spring shift. IDK how true that is but I’ve been feeling mighty low, like a shadow of sadness has been hanging over me. I have been reading my word and praying and it has helped a little. I’m hoping it passes soon, for you and for me. *hugs*

    • glamazini

      Aww (hugs) and thanks for sharing hun. I’m feeling much better today & about to head to the stores now. 🙂 I pray God restores your joy & rivers of living water spring up from your belly.

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