A Black Woman Healing 🤎🍍 Glamazini
finding your passion
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Spirit

What Are You Passionate About?

finding your passion

I asked this question online and received answers like

“Life on a whole!”

“My family”

“God’s love”

“My writing ministry. Raising strong black men who walk in their purpose. Chocolate.”


“Hair! Motherhood. My God. (not in that order)”


“Leaving a legacy behind for my son”

“Technology, social justice, shoes,  writing”

“great food. Oh, and that {my wife}”

“Finding out my true purpose in life and living it to the fullest…”

“i don’t een know sadly…”

I can relate to the last two responses of “finding out my true purpose” and “I don’t even know”.     I’m in an awesome place in my life where I can evaluate what my purpose is … and I am afraid. #truth.  At Oprah’s Lifeclass T.D. Jakes really spoke to me when he said that your passion and your purpose are linked.  Since then, I’ve decided that following my passions will ultimately lead me to my purpose, a seemingly obvious path to some, but extremely scary to me. I’ve been afraid to declare something as a passion and head down that path because I’m afraid it’s not the right thing and don’t even trust my ability to make such a weighty choice.  

Thing is, I also realize it’s not a singular choice.

I can have more than one passion and more than one path, but knowing that about myself has not helped me choose, I just know it … then stall out. #womp #truth

This is not a “how to find your passion post” at all … more like a “watch me as I try to find my passion post” if anything.  Y’all know how I like to put my bidness in the streets hoping it will help someone else (be gentle).

In what may now seem like a total contradiction, I thought about what my passions are and here’s what I came up with:

When I was a child:

  • dolls
  • arts & crafts
  • friends
  • photography

and nowadays:

  • relationships
  • self-image
  • humor
  • travel
  • blogging
  • video blogging
  • smoothies

Yes smoothies, don’t judge I’m obsessed!

I also took the VIA Character Strengths Assessment  to identify my signature strengths.  

My top 5 strengths that I could find ways to use more often are:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Appreciation of beauty and excellence
  3. Capacity to love and be loved
  4. Humor and playfulness
  5. Creativity, ingenuity, and originality

Hmmm … great, now I’m even more confused.

I do remember Oprah mentioning during Lifeclass that a good place to start if you’re stuck on your purpose is in serving others. She believes that, in serving others, your passion/purpose is quickly identified.  I’ll have to think that approach through (especially being in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy), and for now I’ll put these questions in your court:

What are you passionate about?  How do you integrate those passions into your day-to-day life?


Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini 🤎✨🤎


  • TyaD

    I am passionate about:

    The Bible
    The Truth
    The Environment
    True Friends

    I incorporate these things in all aspects of my life. My day always begins and ends with God (i.e. prayer). I try to read the bible daily. I make sure that I talk to, see, connect with at least one supportive, loving friend or family member daily. I’m a zumba instructor. I work in the environmental field. I spend as much time as possible in ministry. It’s not something I have to force into my life because these things are my life. Without them, I have no life. So they are a MUST!

  • BigTickles

    Hold on this is a long post…but I am going to make it “quick”

    I grew up in the church so I was molded on how to serve others. Fast forward to high school I “knew” I wanted to go into corporate america. I went on and got my MBA but I still felt like I was missing something. I worked in corporate america for about 10 years with my last stop at an internet startup which folded after two years. I was at a cross roads, jobless with a degree and did not know what to do. The hubby had just switched positions to a traveling job so I tagged along. I got pregnant somewhere in between CA and NYC (HA!).
    This is where it gets strange, I was thinking about getting a DBA so that I could teach or do something big in the corporate world. While looking up schools, I was getting agitated. (I think I was also in my third trimester). Everytime I started to enroll, the baby would get upset – flipping and kicking. Then I heard a whisper like “trust me” and I knew that the only reason I was staying the corporate field was for the money. I immediately enrolled in a PhD program for nonprofit management. INSTANTLY, I felt at peace. I always liked advocating for others; getting in the trenches. My heart ached for those dealing with social injustices. I knew I was a grassroots person. I was always organizing events so it was a no-brainer.
    I told the hubby and he was not surprised. He was like DUH, you were always like a counselor at your old job and always helping others. I said well you know this field makes no money; you have to LOVE it. So we came up with a plan. I would get my PhD and work for a corporation in the nonprofit department (many major corps have a nonprofit division to make themselves more community friendly-ha!). I would also start a nonprofit while working in the corporate world. I would work until I get a grant or funding enough to sustain my business and then I would leave to head my own nonprofit.
    I have been a little sidelined because my son is on the autistic spectrum and I am staying at home until he goes to kindergarten but I am not detoured. I know this is my journey. It has only been because of the support (emotionally and financially) of my hubby and the grace of God that I am where I am today. I believe that since I am following my passion, it will be sustainable whenever God decides.
    My advice – If you could do something 24/7 and not get paid, do it strictly because you LOVE it, that maybe your passion. Your passion will make room for you. If you do it from your heart, it will become sustainable.
    You never know, God could direct me to a $10M grant for my business and I will surely be doing a happy dance because I will be doing what I love. Until then, I will prepare myself so that when it comes, I will not miss a step; I will already know what to do.
    You say you like gratitude so think about church, for example. Do you like planning the pastors appreciation or being a part of it (like dancing)? Me I like planning; I am not trying to do a dance, say a poem or recitation. I like directing and watching it unfold. I like seeing how my actions help people; I technically do not have to personally do them to feel fulfilled. Thus..my degree..nonprofit management…BAM!
    In closing,
    Hugs sweetie..it will come…you may already know deep down in your heart (or may not)….but it will come

    • glamazini

      LIES! So not “quick” LOL!

      I was so stumped by “gratitude” as the 1st character strength, not because I didn’t agree, but because I totally don’t see how that translates to a purpose.

      To answer your question, I used to have an event planning company but shut it down when I hurt my legs. I now do a lot of “planning” for small things with friends, but nothing on large scale. I often wonder how I’d do being a career counselor or doing something in employee appreciation/morale. Who knows … I have no experience in that … just a draw to it. My last “high interest/curiosity” field of late is linguistics. I love everything that has to do with languages.

      Anyhoo… still no direction, just brainstorming in my response to you. Thanks for commenting and blessings!

  • Joy

    Wow. Thanks so much for this post. I’ve been struggling with finding my passion and purpose for a while now. I’ve been really depressed over it. It seems as if everyone else in my life know their passion and purpose so clearly and I feel stuck. It really helps to know that I’m not alone. Thanks so much for your comment BigTickles. I realized very recently that going corporate wasn’t for me so I’m looking in nonprofit now. I pray that this is a step in the right direction.

  • Samantha

    I am still not so sure about it but right now, all I can think of is my passion to practice my nursing profession very soon. I’ve been eyeing to practice it and I think I am on my way. Plus, I am passionate in serving the Lord because I strongly believe that whatever purpose I have in my life, will be guided and be honored by Him. Thanks for the inspiring article!
    Samantha recently posted..online dating tips for menMy Profile

  • Cosmolude

    I can relate to Joy’s comment. I’m really struggling with finding my passion/purpose as well. I currently work for a non-profit program (that is heading for change soon) but I don’t know if I just don’t like what I’m doing now or if it’s the people I’m working with (probably both). I just don’t feel challenged and I don’t currently see much in the way for career growth. I’m considering going back to grad school to study public health but I just don’t feel very passionate about anything right now. I think I’d still like to help people in some sort of capacity, but I’m not sure what I’d like to do. In the past, it seemed like I had a strong feeling that I was doing the right thing but I’ve had some recent experiences that have left me feeling defeated. Right now I feel like I’m in a place I never wanted to be; just settling for what I’m doing now because it’s easier.

    • glamazini

      Thanks for commenting. I understand the concept of settling and being unsatisfied with that. I hope that you can deconstruct your situation and address each point of dissatisfaction one by one until you are happier. All the best.

  • Ezinne

    Hi Ini,
    Wow! this is my first to you I know.
    I am a hugh fan of your channel and follow you like………I really don’t know what word to use.
    You know one of those slient followers..
    Anyway, I remember about 5 years ago I was in the exact position as to what to do with my life. What was my passion. I worked in finance and made good money but not satisfied. Well then during this time I decided to leave my then Boyfriend of 8 years cos it was just not happening. he was not interested in marriage and I was. Being the only daughter and all. Anyway met my husband whose father is a Bishop and whose younger brother is a Rev (Anglican church) Got married after three months of non courting(Four years now)( Cos he first saw me and said I was the one) Anyway. he became a Rev. By this time I had left me finance job. gone into Hibernation and prayed like i had never done before for direction. I still needed money though so started working as a PA in a medical school which I knew will give me some free time to think hard and understand what it was that God was trying to tell me(with Prayers and fasting of course).Anyway to cut the long story short. I realised I had gone through alot to be able to help others. what I mean is that both bitter and sweet came my way through life, ups and downs. People find it easy to talk to me and so I stated studing to become a counsellor (I am still studing cos it is all distance learning) Anyway,recently I have been able to become a volunteer Bereavment Counsellor and will soon be starting my training(God is Awesome!) .
    What I am trying to say is. Just pray and ask God to direct you. Trust, you will be surprised.
    Oh and by the way congrats on your new arrival. We have a lot going on in our life this year.God is great.
    Still working on my blog though. When you have time please do check it out, been a bit lazy with so much going on.
    I will eventually go into family and couple counselling. Thats my calling.

    • glamazini

      Thank you for commenting and your encouraging words. I have to chuckle because I feel (for similar reasons as your own) that I am called to be a counselor & have even looked up the criteria and talked to others about the requirements … but then stop because of fear. Where do you do bereavement counseling?

      • Ezinne

        Well, actually I am in london UK, way over the other side. But you could do a bit of research on the internet , that is how I came to find out about Volunteering as a Breavement counsellor with all the training. I will do a bit of research for you as well and if i see something I will let you know. Fear is bad. I was fearful at first but went on to study, I told myself that if I failed my first year then it was not for me. But God has His plans. Also it will be good for you, cos you will have time for your family as well and in time you could do this for yourself and open your own office with your own time(Not that you ain’t making money now cos I know you are) ;-). I will keep in touch with you.
        Remain Blessed. X

        • glamazini

          Thanks. Yes, fear is bad and not of God. 🙁 I was wondering what sort of establishment you were counseling at? A school or a business? I probably am supposed to be a counselor because Lord knows it frightens me no end and that means I’m going in the right direction LOL. Thanks again for responding.

          • Ezinne

            Hey! Sorry for the late response, I just got home and had to make some dinner. It is actually a hospital. Barts and the London NHS(National health service) Trust but part of a medical school where I work as a PA.
            Yes I believe you are meant to be. It is your calling. You are so good with organising things a nd talking so I think you should give it a go. Have you had any time to take a look at my blog?

  • Ezinne

    Hi Ini,
    Sorry I could not get back to you yesterday. I guess I can blame it on the time difference. Oh thanks for taking the time to check out my blog. I know it is not the average blog. As the number 1 blogged that i know, please what advice will you be able to give me. I know my blog is not really for everyone.
    You are soooooooooo cool.
    Remain blessed.

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