A Black Woman Healing ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Body

Supplements I Take For Adrenal Fatigue + Joint Pain

2023 Roshini here. I originally posted this on 10/12/2010 and updated it several times, last being 7/1/2014. I started eating a ketogenic diet several years ago and my supplement protocol has changed. You can find the most recent video about it here: All the Supplements I Take โ€ข Hormones, Vitamins, Energy, Joints, Immunity, Digestion (March 2021). Even that is not up-to-date now because as life changes so do my supplements. If you have any questions about what I currently take leave a comment and I’ll respond.

Now onto the orignal post:

I’ve been taking several supplements to help regulate my blood sugar and aid in my leg issues. The current mix is based on visits to my natural health juju doctor chick in past years, my current natural health juju doctor chick as well as trial and error.

The current pills I take every day are (updated 7/1/2014):

The pills I take every day are (updated 6/2/2011):

  • Proglyco SP (K-13)  (to aid in controlling blood sugar levels)
  • fish oil (who knows why, i just take what that chick told me to take   … joking! it’s the omega 3 fatty acids, they help with joint something or the other)

I no longer take the following supplements daily as of 6/2/2011: 

The current joint creams I’ved used with great success are:

This combination of supplements (all are over the counter, expensive, but over the counter) has been working well for me for weeks-months.

I’ve been taking/using the Proglyco SP & Adrenacalm the longest (maybe 3 months or more now) and it (along with changes in my diet) has helped my blood sugar and other hormonal issues* SIGNIFICANTLY.

The hyaluronic acid was added 2 months ago and I saw some additional relief but it wasn’t totally gone. I still take it just ’cause…not sure if it’s still necessary honestly.  I started taking the fish oil at the same time.

The Celadrin was added 2 weeks ago as a maintenance measure.  I’d been eyeing/researching it (in pill form) for longer than that so I finally broke down and ordered samples of the cream from the website.  I tried it, liked it, so gave in and bought the pills. They are very hush hush about what’s in their “proprietary blend” so there’s no telling what I’m taking . My doctor said take it and tell her what happens  … and so far so GREAT especially after dance practice!

The Celedrin cream worked well but I prefer the Arniflora Cream over everything. It has no smell, it’s clear, it’s almost like you’re putting water on your knee . I was thinking “what is this?! this ain’t gonna do a THANG!” but I rubbed that joint on and all bad feelings stopped . Honestly it was hard to evaluate it at first ’cause I wasn’t feeling anything BUT when my period showed up AND I danced like 5 times in 1 week I started to feel a little bit of tingling and soreness so I use it then.

As mentioned above I’ve also made changes to my diet (protein heavy, carbs earlier in the day basically, cut out a lot of sugar) with incredible success.  This may also explain why after 6 months+ of not exercising I haven’t gained back 1 pound of the 20ish I’d lost the previous months   .

Anyhoo, forgive me again for not documenting this sooner but maybe this will help someone. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to find the answer.

Thanks for visiting!

* For several years I’ve noticed a decrease in my general well-being.  By that I mean I felt more and more craptastic more and more each year  .  I chalked it up to hormonal issues and figured it wouldn’t get much worse than mild annoyances. I was wrong. My symptoms eventually included constant nausea & dizziness, migraines, foggy thoughts, difficulty concentrating, fat sitting on my mid-section (which I’d chalked up to age & McDonalds), fatigue no matter how much I slept, a stiff neck, a sharp pain above ear, joint numbness & tingling, suspect circulation, irritability, heartburn, difficulty breathing, heart racing for no reason.   … wow, that list is looooooong!  Anyhoo, I decided to do something about it after the suffering increased over time so in August of 2009 I started taking bioidentical hormones and had relief from several of my symptoms & I was very pleased.  I hurt my right ankle in October of 2009, then again in January of 2010, then I hurt both my legs in March 2010 (obviously cascading injuries…drats).  I kept taking the bioidentical hormones until my natural health juju doctor chick and I suspected they may’ve contributed to my injuries so I stopped circa April or May of 2010 and began taking several natural supplements (those above and others that are now defunct) to insure that the previously relieved symptoms did not return. And
they didn’t.

uh … didn’t I say I was making this long story short?   drats!

Edited 10/26/2010 to add video:

Treat Adrenal Exhaustion / Adrenal Insufficiency with Natural Medicine

Edited 6/8/2011 to add video:

Is There A Cure For Hypothyroidism and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini ๐ŸคŽโœจ๐ŸคŽ


  • Retro Jordan

    Thank you! This is a great, great list of suggestions that I plan to hang on to. It is so important to keep a balanced life and not get into a habit in which we sometimes bury ourselves.If we do you said,I think it is good for us,thanks again.

  • glamazini

    @Retro Jordan ——————–>

    Pleas not that I had EXTREME adrenal fatigue so some of those (specifically the Proglyco SP) may be too much if that is not your issue. Also I HAVE to take that stuff (proglyco) with food or else I feel sick to my stomach.

    @Recepti ———————->

    I don’t know since I don’t drink wine regularly. However, limiting sugar intake is recommended so take that into account.

  • glamazini

    Ya’ll I ran out of the Proglyco SP for a couple days and I was a MESS!! I was sick to my stomach for TWO DAYS (like I used to be) and cloudy headed :*(. I’m back on the crack now and feeling much better. I pray that my body can eventually re-regulate and I don’t have to take these things for the rest of my days.

  • Ronnie

    Thank you so much for this post. I have been struggling and going back and forth to the doctor. Having blood work done constantly and ultrasounds of my thyroid. All to no avail. All of the tests keep coming back relatively normal. But no one ever once mentioned adrenal fatigue. Everything the doctor in the video said seems to fit me perfectly. I’m exhausted and can barely get out of bed daily. Where I use to be able to exercise daily I find that its all I can do to work and care for my son. I have been having hive breakouts and a patch of eczema on my leg (which I never had before). A few times I have felt like I was going to faint. I think finding this post has literally saved my life and sanity.

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