A Black Woman Healing ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ Glamazini
Black Women Healing,  Heal Your Mind,  Special Needs Motherhood

Postpartum Depression Two Years After Baby?

I‘m still trying to catch up on posting my YouTube videos here on the blog. I made and posted this video a bit over a month ago, and it took me sometime to convince myself to do so. In Mayย I was trying to discern if I was indeed suffering from postpartum depression two years after my son’s birth. I just was not feeling like myself, dragging, no energy, sad, weepy, no motivation, foggy headed and everything that sounded a lot like PPD to me. I got so bad that my friends became concerned and descended on my house one night. I was low (I love my friends).

I was also concerned about making this video because I’m back in the job market and am very aware that you must be cautious of what you post on the interwebs. Ultimately my need to help others won out, and I made the video which has been received incredibly well on YouTube and hopefully will be here on the blog.

Here ya go:

Watch directly on Youtubeย |ย Help me meet my goal of 20K subscribers by end of yearย *thank you*


Here are all the items I mentioned. If you have any questions leave them in the comment below and an update is coming up soon.


Why Do Women Get Postpartum Depression & Postpartum Anxiety? Risk Factors

My Special Needs Mom Testimony: February 14th 2012 โ™ฅย 

My Flickerbug Birth Story โ€ข February 14th 2014 โ™ฅ

Childcare Rambling โ€ข GLAM MOM

My Experience with Depression Medication


Stay tuned for my update coming soon.



Roshini Cope, aka Glamazini, is a life coach and video creator who gained a following for her natural hair tutorials, which evolved into authentic personal stories of healing with a consistent dash of humor. She is a black woman healing helping other black women heal, expand their self-awareness, reclaim their joy, and create the life they want. Work with Roshini ๐ŸคŽโœจ๐ŸคŽ


  • BigTickles

    Girl, I love you seriously. You are no filer and that is wonderful because life is not always rainbows and skittles – ha!
    I did go through a very, VERY low period years after my son’s birth. I am now seeing a natural health doctor it has been a blessing. Tell us how you are doing..since it has been a month already ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • AS

    Glamazine, please consider contributing to our upcoming blog carnival about Black women, mental illness and breastfeeding. You don’t have to be currently breastfeeding to participate. We are looking for stories on how Black women have navigated this area — breastfeeding and mental health issues. Here is a link to it:


    There is such a stigma against mental illness and especially among BLACK WOMEN. I recently posted on my blog about my own experience about being diagnosed with major depression and panic disorder back in 2004, and had a zillion and one reservations and even some major fears about putting it on the internet, for the exact same reasons that you stated you were reluctant to. But in the end I felt that since I was interested in learning more about the topics at hand, I HAD to put my story out there — to potentially help others, and to erase the same stigma that I was talking about. In the end I hope these things ring true. Anyway, I could go on but it would really be great to see more of your story and I hope you consider sharing it.

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